..... one of Apple’s latest patents presents us with a number of clues that indeed indicate that they’re creating some kind of a virtual world environment in their labs at this very moment.
Follow link for complete article.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Miami.
Tinsel writes:
"I wonder if they have wi-fi here? If so, i can log into Twinity. {:o)"
If you want to see this place with your own eyes, click here.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Miami.
Tinsel writes:
"Not sure why Miami needs a tanning shop.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Miami.
Tinsel writes:
"Hanging out in Twinity Miami headed to the beach."
If you want to see this place with your own eyes, click here.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Twinity Welcome Area 1.
Tinsel writes:
"Welcome to Twinity!"
If you want to see this place with your own eyes, click here.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location London.
Tinsel writes:
"Hanging out at London Square in Twinity. I am only counting blue cars!"
If you want to see this place with your own eyes, click here.
See the full gallery on Posterous
Per the following Press Release issued to Bloggers today:
There are some very exciting events about to take place, so be ready to get excited!
This year marks the 4th anniversary of the Home & Garden Expo benefitting Relay For Life of Second Life.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Tins Contest Entry.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Tins Contest Entry.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Tins Contest Entry.
Tinsel sends you a postcard from Twinity, the virtual world based on real people and places. The picture has been taken in the location Miami.
Tinsel writes:
"I was just here in Miami in first life not too long ago.
Accessing my Help Island in ReactionGrid from the comfort of my browser. Next on my list is my sim in 3rd Rock Grid. I tried logging into Second Life but my dsl does not steam fast enough to do so. This is an amazing step forward in browser access of my favorite virtual worlds.
Since the demise of the World of SL page, I have had to rely more on building my own RSS Feed Reader to keep up with what is happening in the Second Life Community.
I use the Google Reader simply because I have found it the easiest to work with.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Check out the sign Pathfinder Lester made for me to direct new arrivals from Core 1 to Help Island.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
The owners of 3rd Rock Grid are currently offering commercial vendors the following special to assist in getting set up on the 3rd Rock Grid:
3rd Rock Grid would like to encourage designers, and other commercially viable content creators to set up shops in 3RG.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Effective tomorrow, Thursday, January 6, 2011, the ReactionGrid Help Island Office Hours will be moved to 7pm - 8pm USA Eastern time.
For those of you who are first time visitors to ReactionGrid, Help Island is located one sim west of the Core 1 default landing sim.
Since my last post, I have been busy working to improve the ReactionGrid Help Island experience for Residents and Visitors. I am happy to report the following additions:
The center of Help Island, now set up with multiple HyperGates, has been appropriately dubbed HyperGate Square.
With his marauder armband, combat boots and mask of the sun, YUL is a new breed of strong melancholy hero. An absorbing figure of strength and substance, YUL is a quiet, demanding Master.
The industry news-wires and blogosphere have been ablaze with the announcement yesterday of the appointment of Rod Humble as the new CEO of Linden Lab, starting next month.
From the Linden Lab press release, Philip Rosedale, Founder of Second Life is quoted as saying, " ...
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
I predicted for 2010 that Linden Lab would:
1. Restrict Second Life access to approved viewers only.
Pass. The Third Parties Viewer list was implemented.
2. Impose inventory limits.
Fail. Move to 2011 predictions.
3. Impose avatar alt limits.
Fail. Move to 2011 predictions.
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Posted via email from Tinsel Silvera's
Be On The Lookout for a slender dark-haired beauty, armed with an attitude, and dangerously sexy.
BOLO - Last seen loitering on urban streets, grunge city sidewalks and punk rock scenes.
Mod/Copy - Shape only.
Obtain the exact look in the photo with the enclosed Style Card.