Linden Lab has declared their intent to streamline the registration process for entering Second Life. Might I suggest they visit Go Jiyo and see how it is done there.
I was able to register in two steps:
1. sign-up using my Facebook account (entering information manually is also an option) which simply required me to enter my email address, password and grant access to my Facebook account.
2. pick my user name and avatar
I was then rezzed inworld at a central landing point which included instructional signage and shops for customizing my avatar.
Fast: The registration process took about 1 minute.
Easy: Note how their UI is setup with all the pertinent information needed for interacting within Go Jiyo.
Fun: Within 5 minutes I was meeting people and flying around visiting the various sites. The fact that Go Jiyo starts you out with 30,000 Mios for shopping definitely adds to the initial fun factor!
BTW, the Go Jiyo world is built upon the Unity platform, a personal favorite of mine, and they are fast approaching 182,000 avatars.
~ Tinsel Silvera ~